Seems like dinosaurs are getting a second (or would this be forth or fifth?) life in comics these days. I am trying to draw some of the more obscure ones;) He's only on a few pages but at least it's not a T. rex!
This is page one of Teen Titans 10 on sale next month!
Brett is a comic book artist currently working on nothing he can mention, damn it! He also draws dinosaurs! He likes to talk about science and evolution if you don't want to here about that stuff, tuff cookies;)
If you would like to use my images on your web site, please e-mail me. (brettbooth at gmail dot com) I usually grant permission for non-commercial uses but I do require that you provide a link back to me. If you are a scientist, or represent a museum or educational institution, one time print use of dinosaur images is very low cost and sometimes free, please inquire.
Commissioned artwork
I am happy to draw original paleo artwork for papers, articles and the like. I'm happy to do these for very reasonable fee's and in some cases I'll even wave that. So feel free to ask.
I will no longer doing comic/anthro character commissions. See other blog.